링크 : https://www.hongkongfp.com/2019/06/17/police-can-access-full-details-injured-protesters-hospital-says-medical-sector-lawmaker-following-patient-arrests/

홍콩 병원 환자 데이터베이스 시스템에 경찰용 로그인 시스템이 존재하여, 시위 참가 중 부상으로 인해 병원에 왔던 사람들의 개인정보가 홍콩 경찰에게 넘어갔다는 제보. 시위참가자-환자들이 경찰에 잡혀가는 걸 이해할 수 없던 의사들이 원인을 찾아보다가 백도어를 발견.

by 투명돼지 2019. 6. 18. 18:48
오늘 소개하는 탈옥 도구는 프로그램을 내려받을 필요도 없었다.

단지 아이폰(iPhone) 의 모바일 사파리(Safari)를 이용해서 http://jailbreakme.com/에 접속, 슬라이드(slide to jailbreak)만 옆으로 밀면 간단히 탈옥된다.

완전 탈옥된 것인지 확인하기 위해 아이폰을 껏다 켜도 아무런 문제가 없다.

루트 폴더에도 접근할 수 있다.
by 투명돼지 2010. 8. 2. 10:14

The SSD battles continue unabated, with SandForce, Crucial, Intel and others vying for supremacy.
Our first encounter with the C300 series showed some impressive results, particularly in the sequential read tests where the SATA 6Gbps interface allowed a single drive to break the 300MB/s barrier. While there were some teething issues with firmware initially, the latest revisions seem to have cleared things up and prices are generally competitive. One of the biggest benefits of SSDs is the increase in performance for general Windows/OS tasks, and to that end many users are interested in a lower capacity SSD that can still offer good performance.

To date, the least expensive SSDs worth consideration have come in at around $100 give or take. We looked at several contenders, consisting of the Intel X25-V 40GB, the Kingston SSDNow V Series 30GB, and the OCZ Onyx. Intel obviously uses their own controller, Kingston uses a Toshiba controller, and OCZ uses the Indilinx Amigo (essentially half a Barefoot) controller. In terms of price per Gigabyte, Intel charges $2.96/GB, Kingston $3.00/GB, and OCZ leads at $2.50/GB. Depending on the workload, all three are viable options and should substantially boost performance over conventional hard drives.

Perhaps the biggest issue many have with these SSDs is their total capacity; even with 40GB Intel is still on the small side in my view—my daily use laptop uses 40GB for the Windows, Program Files, and ProgramData directories, and having some spare area is always a good idea. Crucial is partnering with Lexar Media and is now shipping their 64GB RealSSD C300 for $150, or a price of $2.34/GB. That makes it one of the lowest prices per GB for a viable SSD, and with 64GB it can actually store enough data to work in most laptops.

Like the other budget SSDs, the 64GB C300 isn't going to be as fast as the 128GB and 256GB models. The reason is parallelism, as the lower capacity drives are not able to read/write as many NAND devices at a time. This primarily hurts in write-heavy scenarios, and the 64GB C300 is still rated for read speeds of up to 355MB/s and write speeds up to 75MB/s. While we wait for 25nm NAND devices to double capacities at current price points, the 64GB C300 is a very tempting option that's available now.
by 투명돼지 2010. 7. 2. 06:34
by 투명돼지 2010. 7. 1. 07:49

It is time for HTPC enthusiasts to rejoice! Videolan announced the availability of VLC 1.1.0 a couple of days back. VLC's popularity soared in the mid-2000s when standard definition videos were all the craze, and CPUs were powerful enough to easily decode them.
Over the last few years, many people have built up a big library of high definition videos, and one of the complaints against VLC was the fact that all the inbuilt codecs relied completely on the CPU horsepower for decoding. Even the most powerful modern day multi-core processors have trouble decoding HD videos [Clarification: 'trouble' with CPU decoding might mean dropped frames, stutters, sudden spikes in CPU usage and kicking in of the CPU fan etc. These are more noticeable in single threaded decoder implementations].

HTPC users with GPUs capable of accelerating HD video decode initially relied on the bundled software (from Cyberlink / ArcSoft / Corel). However, the bloatware and container restrictions imposed by these players led enthusiasts to other open source projects such as Media Player Classic - Home Cinema (MPC-HC). These tapped into the GPU capabilities using DXVA / DXVA2 APIs on Windows and VAAPI on Linux. The extent of support provided in these APIs depended on the GPU vendor. Historically, Nvidia has provided much better support than ATI, while Intel was lagging behind for quite some time till late last year. This is evident from one of the popular blog posts used as a reference by people wanting to get DXVA working on their GPUs. Users of MPC-HC also had to deal with external codec packs such as CCCP. In addition, a large number of options had to be set up correctly in order to get GPU decoding to work. There was an urgent need for the big player in this space to come to the party, and Videolan has done that exactly with the 1.1.0 release of the VLC Media Player.

However, all is not well yet in VLC land. Videolan supplied the caveat that the experimental GPU acceleration would work only on Nvidia GPUs as of now. They cited troubles with the ATI drivers and the lack of access to a Intel IGP as the reason for not being able to support non-Nvidia platforms with confidence. With a core developer team of just 5 people, coupled with the fact that most of them are not Windows developers, it is hard to find fault with that reasoning.

At the end of our testing, we found out some unexpected good things. However, there was some disappointment as well. Before going into the details, let us take a look at the test bed and test suite we used for the analysis.
by 투명돼지 2010. 6. 29. 05:45
Visual Studio 2010 comes to us with literally thousands of new features and enhancements. This session will cover new visual enhancements like variable highlighting, debugging tips and more. The session will also show new features like JavaScript IntelliSense and IntelliTrace.

Auto-Implemented Properties
Auto-implemented properties provide a shortened syntax that enables you to quickly specify a property of a class without having to write code to Get and Set the property. For more information, see Auto-Implemented Properties (Visual Basic).

Collection Initializers
Collection initializers provide a shortened syntax that enables you to create a collection and populate it with an initial set of values. Collection initializers are useful when you are creating a collection from a set of known values, for example, a list of menu options or categories. For more information, see Collection Initializers Overview (Visual Basic).

Implicit Line Continuation
In many cases, implicit line continuation enables you to continue a statement on the next consecutive line without using the underscore character (_). For a list of all the cases in which you can omit an underscore character, see Statements in Visual Basic.

Multiline Lambda Expressions and Subroutines
Lambda expression support has been expanded to support subroutines in addition to multiline lambda functions and subroutines. For more information, see Lambda Expressions.

New Command-Line Option for Specifying a Language Version
The /langversion command-line option causes the compiler to accept only syntax that is valid in the specified version of Visual Basic.

Type Equivalence Support
You can now deploy an application that has embedded type information instead of type information that is imported from a Primary Interop Assembly (PIA). With embedded type information, your application can use types in a runtime without requiring a reference to the runtime assembly. If various versions of the runtime assembly are published, the application that contains the embedded type information can work with the various versions without having to be recompiled. For more information, see /link (Visual Basic). For an example, see Walkthrough: Embedding Types from Managed Assemblies (C# and Visual Basic).

Dynamic Support
Visual Basic binds to objects from dynamic languages such as IronPython and IronRuby. For more information, see Working with Dynamic Objects (Visual Basic) and Walkthrough: Creating and Using Dynamic Objects (C# and Visual Basic).

Covariance and Contravariance
Covariance enables you to use a more derived type than that specified by the generic parameter, whereas contravariance enables you to use a less derived type. This allows for implicit conversion of classes that implement variant interfaces and provides more flexibility for matching method signatures with variant delegate types. You can create variant interfaces and delegates by using the new In and Out language keywords. The .NET Framework also introduces variance support for several existing generic interfaces and delegates, including the IEnumerable(Of T) interface and the Func(Of TResult) and Action(Of T) delegates. For more information, see Covariance and Contravariance (C# and Visual Basic).
by 투명돼지 2010. 6. 21. 09:07

Fans of custom video cards have undoubtedly found themselves a bit disappointed with the Radeon HD 5800 series. Due to a perfect storm of low GPU yields from TSMC and NVIDIA’s late arrival with the GTX 400 series, the first 6 months for the 5800 series was nothing other than bonkers. AMD was selling GPUs to their partners as fast as they could come out of TSMC, and their partners were selling finished boards to OEMs and-end users alike as fast as they could be assembled. Even at prices over MSRP, the 5800 series flew off the shelves, leaving AMD’s partners with little-to-no supply of GPUs to tinker with. Custom 5800 series cards effectively took a 6 month vacation.

That wait finally came to an end in the Spring of 2010, as an increase in GPU supplies allowed AMD’s partners to catch their breathes and focus on their custom cards. With 6 months under their belts AMD’s partners were able to come up with a variety of designs for their custom cards, and today we’re going to be looking at a trio of custom Radeon HD 5870s: Sapphire’s Radeon HD 5870 Toxic 2GB, MSI’s Radeon HD 5870 Lightning, and Gigabyte’s Radeon HD 5870 Super Overclock.


  Sapphire 5870 Toxic 2GB MSI 5870 Lightning Gigabyte 5870 Super Overclock
Core Clock 925MHz 900MHz 950MHz
Memory Clock 1.225GHz (4.9GHz data rate) GDDR5 1.2GHz (4.8GHz data rate) GDDR5 1.25GHz (5GHz data rate) GDDR5
Frame Buffer 2GB 1GB 1GB
Voltage Control No Yes (1.35v) Yes (1.28v)
Price Point $499 $479 $499

Custom cards are almost always interesting for a few different reasons. Often it’s a chance to see what AMD’s partners learned about a GPU over the preceding months and are trying their hand at producing something cheaper. Other times it’s throwing cost-efficiency out the window in the name of better components and coolers. And yet in other times it’s about producing a card that fills a specific niche, such as hardcore overclockers or users with cramped cases.

Today we’re looking at 3 such cards, each taking a different approach in their custom design. MSI’s Lightning is the overclocker and Sapphire’s Toxic is the build-it-better card, while Gigabyte’s Super Overclock attempts to straddle the line between the two by doing both at once. Ultimately however all 3 shoot for the same goal even if they go about it in different ways: maximizing performance.

Finally it shouldn’t come as a surprise that with all 3 cards designed to be superior 5870s that they command a superior price. At $480-$500, all 3 cards are solidly in the luxury category.

by 투명돼지 2010. 5. 25. 06:25
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