이메일이나 편지를 읽으면서 이해할 수 없는 짧은 단어들을 본적이 있으십니까? 그러한 단어들이 무엇을 의미하는지 궁금하지는 않으셨습니까?
여기서 이 주제와 관련하여 유용한 정보를 알려드리도록 하겠습니다. *로 표시된 일부 약어는 일상 대화에서도 사용됩니다.
a/c: 계정(account) (“Re. the American a/c, …”)
AGM*: 연례 총회(annual general meeting) (“TBD at next AGM in March” “ay-gee-em”으로 발음)
AOB: 다른 안건(any other business) (일반적으로 회의 주제 마지막에 쓰임)
approx.: 대략(approximately) (“Delivery takes approx. 4 days.”)
asap*: 가능한 빨리(as soon as possible) (“Pls do this asap,” “ay-ess-ay-pee”로 발음)
asst: 모음, 조합(assortment) (“Please send asst of products.”)
atm: 현재(at the moment) (“Can’t decide atm – will let you know.”)
attn: 수신(for the attention of) (서신/팩스 등의 맨 위에 씀: “Attn: Mr Jones”)
b/c: 때문에(because) (“Have to cancel meeting b/c Mr Jones is unwell.”)
btw: 그런데(by the way) (“Btw, how was your holiday?”)
cc*: 참조(copy to) (“I’ll put him on cc,” “see-see”로 발음)
cd: 가능(could) (“Cd you please get in touch with our sales dept?”)
CEO*: 최고경영자(chief executive officer) (“She’s our CEO,” “see-ee-oh”로 발음)
cf: 비교(compare with) (“Cf January orders.”)
CIO*: 최고정보책임자(chief information officer) (“Mr Jones is our CIO,” “see-eye-oh”로 발음)
c/o: 전교(care of) (일반적으로 주소 위에 씀. “Please send it c/o Mr Jones.”)
cob: 영업 마감(close of business) (“It should be ready today cob.”)
cod: 상품인도결제(cash on delivery) (“Please pay cod.”)
crm: 고객관계관리(customer relationship management) (“The company has excellent crm.”)
cv*: 이력서(curriculum vitae) (“Please send your cv with your application,” “see-vee”로 발음)
dept: 부서(department) (“He’s in the sales dept.”)
devt: 발전(development) (“January saw good devt.”)
diff.: 차이(difference) (“Please specify diff. between products A and B.”)
e.g.*: 예 (“Different depts., e.g. marketing, sales,” “ee-gee”로 발음)
EGM: 임시총회(extraordinary general meeting) (“TBD at an EGM,” “ee-gee-em”으로 발음)
encl.: 동봉(enclosed) (“Pls find attachment encl.”)
eob: 영업 종료(end of business) (“Please finish by eob.”)
eod: 오늘 이내(end of day) (“To do by eod.”)
esp.: 특히(especially) (“This is esp. interesting.”)
ETA: 예상도착시간(estimated time of arrival) (“ETA two o’clock.”)
et al: ~ 외(“Mr Jones, Mr Brown et al.”)
etc. (et cetera): ~ 등(“Marketing, sales etc.”)
FAQ: 자주 묻는 질문(frequently asked questions) (“Here are some FAQs.”)
fig.: 그림(figures) (“Here are sales figs for 2010.”)
FOB: 본선인도(freight on board) (“This will be sent FOB.”)
fwd: 전달(forwarded) (“Pls fwd to Mr Jones.”)
FYA: 주의 요망(for your attention) (문서 맨 위에 사용)
HQ*: 본사(headquarters) (“See you at HQ,” “aitch-queue”로 발음)
hr: 시간(hour) (“It will take approx. 2 hrs.”)
by 투명돼지
2011. 3. 24. 17:08